Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Serious Confrontation

I applaud those who write humor; it's hard work. Here's a little from the dark side.

As for my physical body, Father Time has beaten the hell out of Mother Nature, but my soul percolates with passion. I work hard, play hard, love deeply, and feel free to express my feelings and opinions. Most of my friends and family enjoy this, some play along, some give it back with a fury. When the fury fires, I retreat, over analyze, and then... write.

Time, sometimes the enemy, becomes my comrade. My heart heals, and we move on, stronger.

Under the influence
(forgive me)

I’m imperfect
Yet somehow complete
Driven, forgiven
I go on

Humanity sublime
Anchors me
Humanity’s flaws
Set me a drift

Striving, learning
To be content
Accepting, regretting

Who is here
To empathize
Who might forget
The pain

Love lives within me
And feeds the need
Loveless ones

Everything and nothing
Flesh clings and feeds
Until all is used

The soul survives
In His presence to rest


  1. Dang Girl! You've got it goin' ON! I love this line, "Love lives within me And feeds the need Loveless ones deplete." What a great philosophy on life. Such a poet, you are! I'm jealous. Poetry is something I have never been able to conquer.

    This is not mine. I wish it was, but this is for you: "I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions."
    — James Michener
    Keep up the fabulous writing!

  2. Love the quote gift. Thanks, sista!
